Fishing Highlights
Rogues Gallery
Without doubt South Uist fishing is some of the best in the world, wild Brown Trout, Sea-Trout and Salmon can be found in our numerous lochs all of which are within easy reach of the Anglers' Retreat. We are a bespoke anglers guesthouse for fishing in South Uist and Benbecula and has been set up to meet all your needs. Most of the small lochs are hardly ever fished and all are capable of holding hard fighting lightning fast Brownies ranging from a few ounces to 2lb and more. These can be explored at your leisure from the bank using a single £10 daily permit. However, the cream of the Brown Trout fishing can be found on the Storus Uist Estate Machair Lochs running down the western side of South Uist. In these lochs fished from a boat 'loch style' Brownies over 2lb are regularly landed and fish of 5lb are hooked and sometimes landed!
All Salmon and Sea Trout fishing is controlled by Storus Uist Estate and is available in a number of lochs on South Uist. Generally fished 'loch' style from a boat the range in size
from 3-10+lb these fresh run fish are immensely exciting and hard fighting and great fun from a boat.
Beginners or children can learn to fish in no time if they are taken to one of the many lochs containing small, hungry trout. The best months for our wild brown trout are May, June, early July and
September, but they can still take well all season in lochs a short walk into the moor. Apart from the very rare springers, salmon begin to run in late June; from then until late September are the
best months. So come and explore South Uist Fishing.
Fishing costs as little as £10 per day/ £50 per week from the bank and the use of boats is recommended and which cost between £10-£85 depending on time of year and loch.